Monday, October 23, 2006
Wait, It's Still October!
While finishing up dinner here, we looked outside and we beheld this:
Yep that is snow. It's snowing here in Indiana. Sigh, guess I should have expected this, but hey one can always hope. Anyway, I'm glad to have had today off and that I'm tomorrow as well. My parents were here over the weekend. It was great to see them all. Oh, by the way mother, I looked at the schedule and it looks like I get the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and on off, so I'll be down over that weekend. Not much else going on. I went to the Kim's to watch the game on Sunday which was fun despite having to watch a rediculus game. 62 yards! I mean, come on, the guy has missed extra points. Unbelievable. Anyway, enough on that score. I did very little today, despite waking up around eight o'clock. Just sitting around watching a movie, listening to music, surfing the 'net etc. Pretty boring actually. I suppose I could have done the little bit of homework that I have due on Thursday, but it's too soon for that. It's never good to have homework done too soon. It's too intoxicating. However, laundry might have been a good idea, but no avail. I think REC will still meet tomorrow though I think it will be a social type since many students are at home over fall recess. I think I'll finish this post now. :-)

Nice post! Although some line breaks might not hurt. :-)
Anyway, I definitely couldn't see any snow in that picture. When I made it full size, I saw some, but still...not much. But I'm blaming the camera and not calling you a liar. :-)
Uh, yeah. I agree with Ryan. What snow???? Only I am not sure that it's the camera's fault. Way to ramble on, by the way. >;-)
wow, all I can say is get a job.
Hopefully you won't be so bored when you come to stay.Since everyone who has left a comment has used a smiley face, I think I should too. :P
It is not October anymore.
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