Monday, October 23, 2006
Wait, It's Still October!
While finishing up dinner here, we looked outside and we beheld this:
Yep that is snow. It's snowing here in Indiana. Sigh, guess I should have expected this, but hey one can always hope. Anyway, I'm glad to have had today off and that I'm tomorrow as well. My parents were here over the weekend. It was great to see them all. Oh, by the way mother, I looked at the schedule and it looks like I get the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and on off, so I'll be down over that weekend. Not much else going on. I went to the Kim's to watch the game on Sunday which was fun despite having to watch a rediculus game. 62 yards! I mean, come on, the guy has missed extra points. Unbelievable. Anyway, enough on that score. I did very little today, despite waking up around eight o'clock. Just sitting around watching a movie, listening to music, surfing the 'net etc. Pretty boring actually. I suppose I could have done the little bit of homework that I have due on Thursday, but it's too soon for that. It's never good to have homework done too soon. It's too intoxicating. However, laundry might have been a good idea, but no avail. I think REC will still meet tomorrow though I think it will be a social type since many students are at home over fall recess. I think I'll finish this post now. :-)

Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Sidewalk Etiquette
This is something that has been bothering me for a while now and I'm going to go on a little rant. I've noticed recently a glaring lack of regard for the rules of sidewalk etiquette. There are some very basic unwritten rules when using a sidewalk.
1. Always stay to the right side unless passing. This allows for maximum traffic flow, and leaves room for faster walkers to pass slower ones. 2. Never walk shoulder to shoulder with a friend on a normal width sidewalk. This prevents faster people from being able to pass and can cause various emotions of a negative sort to be released. If you must talk with someone, the right most person should walk off the sidewalk to allow room for passers. If there is no room to walk next to the sidewalk, simply discontinue the conversation and move into single file. Under no circumstances should three people attempt to carry on a conversation or walk together while using a sidewalk.
Now I've noticed these rules being broken quite a lot in my travels between classes on campus. You're late for class and there a big group of friends walking slowly along, blocking the whole sidewalk and preventing you from being able to pass and get to class on time. You show up late, the prof gets angry, you are already angry and the whole situation goes downhill fast. Your whole day is ruined single-handed by a group of rude people.
1. Always stay to the right side unless passing. This allows for maximum traffic flow, and leaves room for faster walkers to pass slower ones. 2. Never walk shoulder to shoulder with a friend on a normal width sidewalk. This prevents faster people from being able to pass and can cause various emotions of a negative sort to be released. If you must talk with someone, the right most person should walk off the sidewalk to allow room for passers. If there is no room to walk next to the sidewalk, simply discontinue the conversation and move into single file. Under no circumstances should three people attempt to carry on a conversation or walk together while using a sidewalk.
Now I've noticed these rules being broken quite a lot in my travels between classes on campus. You're late for class and there a big group of friends walking slowly along, blocking the whole sidewalk and preventing you from being able to pass and get to class on time. You show up late, the prof gets angry, you are already angry and the whole situation goes downhill fast. Your whole day is ruined single-handed by a group of rude people.
Monday, October 09, 2006
How About Them Eagles!
Well things have calmed down enough for me to have a chance and be in the mood to update my blog, as some of you have been whining about (Ryan). In case some of you didn't know, a friend of mine whose name is Ian Murphy was in a serious car crash on the 30th. He suffered a severe trauma to the side of his head and was expected to die within two days. Needless to day, I was not really feeling like bothering with blogs. Good news is, he is still alive, and while still not out of the woods, he is moving in a positive direction. That has been the big thing this past week and a half. Um, I can't really think of a good segue to more trivial things, so I'm just going to jump in. Classes are going great. I actually have all my eight o'clock classes cancelled for the next three days, so I get to sleep in a bit. Ahhh. Yesterday was a great day. I got to mix for church which was quite fun and something I haven't done in a long time. Then came the Eagles game. I got my McNabb jersey and sat down to watch some football. Man, what a great game. I was very, very, very into the game. Yelling, praying, running around the room on good plays, you name I was doing it. Our defense is so much fun to watch. Boy, that last drive by the Cowboys was INTENSE. I was on my feet the whole time and like a foot from the tv. On that 4 and 18 play where Lewis interfered I was screaming NOOOOOO!!!!!! Pacing back and forth, muttering, "C'mon, C'mon." And then Lito intercepted. The instant I saw it, I ripped my jersey off and ran and jumped around the room waving it in the air screaming like a banshee. Was I glad that all the Basslers were out of the house. I was insane. I have a picture that might give you an idea of what I was like:
And that about wraps up my week. :-)

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