Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Down with the sickness

Here I am sitting in front of my computer. Mostly because I got the flu pretty bad. It started on Sunday, just a headache. Monday I felt a little off, a major headache and a little bit of a fever I think. I got home from my 9:15 class and slept most of the day. I thought I was feeling better by the evening but not quite. Yesterday I got up in the morning with a severe headache, sore neck and back, a fever, and some weird rash/blister things. I downed a couple of ibuprofen and manged to get through my classes. I got home around 2pm and started to get severe chills and sweats, along with the other things. I lay in bed sleeping or watching Family Guy for the rest of the day. I woke up this morning not feeling any better, but I had an exam for my first class so I had to go. I figured I would take ibuprofen and get a long hot shower, and then get the exam done as quickly as possible. As I was taking a shower I started feeling dizzy and nauseous. I began vomiting, or at least trying to, but there was nothing to throw up. I got out of the shower and pretty much collapsed on the floor because I was so dizzy. After leaning on the toilet for about ten minutes, the ibuprofen kicked in, and I was able to get to class to take the exam. I've been feeling a little better, but I think only because I have been taking ibuprofen every 4-5 hours. Hopefully I'll be feeling better tomorrow, because I can't really afford to miss more classes. Yeah, not exactly thrilling, but hey, there's my life so far this week.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Nothing New November

Since mother has been complaining that in fact it is now November, a fact which I must admit that is quite true, I guess I owe you all a new post. So here it is. Actually, it's mostly because I have nothing better to do (homework not included). So let's see. I got a 93 on a Calculus exam that I took last Thursday, and with the curve it's a 99. And I didn't even study...haha Gen. Just kidding. About the haha that is. I had a group presentation that day as well. I came up with the idea for the game we played, which was Balderdash. Can you believe not one single person in the class had ever played it? Wow. Very very sad. It went pretty well. Hmm, I can't think of anything else to relate in school stuff. Oh, man Sunday was a really weird day for football. Dallas lost to Washington. And Chicago lost to Miami! I came down in the middle of the Pittsburgh game and watched for a bit. The scores were scrolling on the bottom of the screen and I was befuddled. Ah, good word. Lode Runner is the jam. I washed my dishes today. I'm sure you all were wondering. REC is tonight, so I'll be going to that. I think that I have covered most of the interesting things so ah, yeah.